Favourite Records of the Year. Selected by Dylan Desmond (Bell Witch)

von am 24. Dezember 2015 in ...in english please!

Favourite Records of the Year. Selected by Dylan Desmond (Bell Witch)

Mastodon did it over the course of four albums, Thrice dedicated a row of EPs tot he topic, but nobody realized the concept of the four elements as consequent and strong as Bell Witch did on their second LP Four Phantoms. Four epics of abysmal darkness glow below Billy Anderson‘s fantastic production, again – as previously on Longing – celebrating doom at its most overwhelming. It’s a special honor to have Dylan Desmond representating Bell Witch for the closure of this years Heavy Pop advent calendar.

Skepticism - The OrdealSkepticism – [amazon_link id=“B012SX7OHI“ target=“_blank“ ]The Ordeal[/amazon_link]

The funeral masters. In my humble opinion, they’re the most unique band in and around the heavy metal scene, This album expanded on the power and introspection their previous work invoked. And it’s live? It’s always cool to hear live version of classics too, which this album has in addition to new material.

Mgla - Exercises in FutilityMgła – [amazon_link id=“B015TKW0K8″ target=“_blank“ ]Exercises in Futility[/amazon_link]

I can’t pinpoint what my favorite element of this band is. The drumming is superb. Further, the riffs are written so organically it’s as if they grow out of each other like branches from a tree. The lyrics are poetic, intellectual, despotic, and obviously written with emotional and intellectual strain. I wish that could be said about more lyricists. It’s hard to fuck with this.

Sangre De Muerdago - O Camiño das Mans ValeirasSangre De Muerdago – [amazon_link id=“B017KNPWIE“ target=“_blank“ ]O Camiño das Mans Valeiras[/amazon_link]

I missed their Seattle show earlier this year, but I had no idea how much I would regret it. This album has some of the most beautiful and melancholy passages I’ve ever listened to. I heard it first in Leipzig nearly 3 weeks into a 4 week tour. I’ve found I usually come home from a tour starved to listen to whatever music the jerks I’m riding around with haven’t blasted 5 millions times consecutively in the van. This album caught me early on in that regard, and I’ve had a hard time turning it off.

Vastum - Hole BelowVastum – [amazon_link id=“B015NOMN6Q“ target=“_blank“ ]Hole Below[/amazon_link]

Vastum is probably my favorite American band. This album is more gnarly than the previous two, which were already untouchable. The textures got deeper and the production brings that out. One would die empty handed if they searched for a better pair of vocalists.

Tyranny - Aeons of Tectonic IntermentTyranny – [amazon_link id=“B0117OX4L4″ target=“_blank“ ]Aeons of Tectonic Interment[/amazon_link]

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of touring with Profetus, another project Matti Makela is involved in. He’s an brilliant musician, which this album makes clear to anyone who isn’t familiar with his other work. The mood grows more sinister and cold the deeper it goes into itself. Reverb is used as teeth.

Honorable mentions (because 5 isn’t enough). I’m going to forget some.

Shape of Despair – [amazon_link id=“B00WOFLWM4″ target=“_blank“ ]Monotony Fields[/amazon_link]

My Dying Bride – [amazon_link id=“B011QB7AYA“ target=“_blank“ ]Feel the Misery[/amazon_link]

Un – [amazon_link id=“B017204J9I“ target=“_blank“ ]The Tomb of All Things[/amazon_link]

Vorum – [amazon_link id=“B00WTJJZQK“ target=“_blank“ ]Current Mouth[/amazon_link]

Cruciamentum – [amazon_link id=“B010FQIDLQ“ target=“_blank“ ]Charnel Passages[/amazon_link]

Pissgrave – [amazon_link id=“B00ZIAOCNS“ target=“_blank“ ]Suicide Euphoria[/amazon_link]

Bell Witch online: Facebook | Bandcamp | Website | Twitter |

Many Thanks to Dylan, Bell Witch and Brandt @ Oblique Management!

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